Sitting Core Exercises
You don’t need fancy equipment or a complex setup to get a small core workout in. Here are some simple exercises that can be done from the comfort of your chair.
- Sitting arm flutter
- Sitting leg raises
- Sitting Russian twists
NOTE: Make sure to keep your core engaged throughout these exercises. If you feel pain STOP and seek medical advice.
Everyday Core Exercises
Having a strong core is the basis of all movement. Just like a pyramid needs a strong base so it doesn’t crumble down on itself, the same goes for the body. Findings good core exercises isn’t hard but finding exercises that are both effective and safe to perform while rehabilitating from an injury can be difficult.
The 3 exercises in the video will challenge both the anterior and posterior kinetic chain, increase core stability and proprioception, as well as increase overall strength and endurance. All these benefits with limited risk of injury or re-exacerbation of symptoms, what are you waiting for!
- Bird Dog
- Dead Bug
- Glut Bridge
- Glut bridge with marching
All these exercises should be performed for 8 repetitions, 2x/day, every other day for those just getting into these types of exercises and daily for those that have core exercises before.
Advanced Core Exercises
The Bunkie exercises are advanced core exercises that are great at building core stability and strength. They can also be used to assess if any discrepancies exist between the anterior/posterior/lateral kinetic chains (e.g. if you are much stronger doing back plank vs. front plank you know your abdominals need some work).
- Front plank
- Side plank
- Back plank
Exercise Progressions
Bird Dog Progression
The bird dog is a great exercise for core strength and stability. This exercise focuses on posterior kinetic chain strength (e.g. back/ glut/ lat muscles). It also increases mobility through the shoulders and hips.
Position Tips:
- Pinch your butt cheeks together
- Maintain neutral back (standing posture, low back with slight backward curve)
- Pull belly button in slightly by tightening abs
- Breath IN while extending, hold, and breath OUT while going back to starting position
Training Tips:
- Begin 8 cycles (both sides once), 2 sets, 2x day
- Hold 1sec progressing up to 5 second holds
- Perform on unstable surface to increase challenge (e.g. bed/ soft yoga mat(s)
Dead Bug Progression
The dead bug is a great exercise for core strength and stability. This exercise focuses on anterior kinetic chain strength (abs/ hip flexors/ quad/ pecs/ ant delt muscles). It also increases mobility through the shoulders and hips.
Position Tips:
- Avoid low back pain or pinching sensation (e.g. pelvis hyperextension)
- Pinch your butt cheeks together
- Maintain neutral back (standing posture, low back with slight backward curve)
- Pull belly button in slightly by tightening abs
- Breath IN while extending, hold, and breath OUT while going back to starting position
Training Tips:
- Begin 8 cycles (both sides once), 2 sets, 2x day
- Hold 1sec progressing up to 5 second holds
- Perform on unstable surface to increase challenge (e.g. bed/ soft yoga mat(s)
Pelvic Tilt Progression
Increasing pelvic tilt control can allow you to drastically reduce your chance of suffering from back related issues. It can also help reduce and control pain in the event that you already have suffered from a back related problem.
While performing these exercises you want to try and find where is your neutral pelvic position is.This is important, as you will generally spend all you time sitting and standing in that neutral position.