General Low Back Rehabilitation Exercises
Step 1- Safe Low Back Stretches
Low back pain can be extremely painful for some. This video demonstrates 4 safe low back stretches that anyone can do at home or on the go for fast effective relief.
- Seated lumbar rotation
- Lumbar lateral bnd
- Seated back extension
- Tabletop lumbar rotation
NOTE: If you feel and increased discomfort while completing these exercises, STOP.
Step 2- Preliminary Low Back Exercises
Here are some safe and easy exercises that you can perform within the confines of your own bed.
Perform- 8 cycles of each / 2 sets / every 2nd day
Step 3- Core 101
Having a strong core is the basis of all movement. Just like a pyramid needs a strong base so it doesn’t crumble down on itself, the same goes for the body. Findings good core exercises isn’t hard but finding exercises that are both effective and safe to perform while rehabilitating from an injury can be difficult.
The 3 exercises in the video will challenge both the anterior and posterior kinetic chain, increase core stability and proprioception, as well as increase overall strength and endurance. All these benefits with limited risk of injury or re-exacerbation of symptoms, what are you waiting for
Perform- 8 reps / 2 sets / every 2nd day
Disc Exercises
Step 1- Sciatic Nerve Flossing
Pain at the leg(s) that is non specific or difficult to localize, or that does not necessarily hurt more with local activation (leg use) may be indicative of radicular pain arising from the low back. This pain is usually mediated by nerve root tension/irritation from encroaching structures at the lumbar spine. These exercises will help mobilize nerve roots which will reduce the potential for nerve root irritation. If pain increases or painful area at the upper limb increases, decrease range of motion of movements. If increased pain persist, discontinue immediately.
Step 2- Standing Disc
Exercises don’t have to be complicated to be effective. This video outlines 3 exercises that are simple and easy to perform. These are best suited for those suffering from acute low back pain episodes or individuals looking to increase their core activation.
Exercises included:
- Standing Cobra
- Standing Knee Raises
- Standing Bird Dog
Other Disc Exercises
Injuring a disc at the low back can be extremely painful and nerve wracking. The exercises demonstrated in this video are intended to be implemented as soon as possible following a disc injury in order to prevent further aggravation.
- Sciatic nerve flossing
- Standing bird dog
- Straight back to cow pose
- Cobra