Acupuncture was developed in China over a millennia ago with writings on the subject dating back to 100 BC. Over the past few decades, it has become a popular treatment option for pain management and biomechanical dysfunctions.
The acupuncture technique practiced at the Robichaud-Lévesque Clinic is called biomedical or neuroanatomical acupuncture. This approach consists in stimulating acupuncture points and specific neuroanatomical structures for therapeutic purposes.
Stimulating acupuncture points and neuroanatomical structures with acupuncture needles or a laser probe results in increased local blood flow, enhanced oxygen delivery to the tissue, as well as decreased muscle hypertonicity coupled with decreased nociceptive (pain) output. These physiological responses result in pain mediation and can help alleviate several neuromusculoskeletal conditions. Acupuncture can also help re-initiate the healing process through management of inflammatory pathways.
Practitioners at the Robichaud-Lévesque Clinic also use dry needling techniques to complement acupuncture treatments.